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quicktrip australia

nach mehr als 2 jahren also wieder ein besuch in downunder a lot of people to see…… bei meiner ankunft hat’s geregnet, dass die vögel landen mussten was anderes als die marillenblüte back home also schnurstracks über die berge…. dort war’s trocken.  ….. ein paar tage später, zurück in sydney …. a quick early morning […]

vernissage, dienstag 1. märz 2022

wo: galerie am park, liniengasse 2a, 1060 wien vernissage / soft opening: dienstag, 1. märz 2022 ab 15 uhr eröffnungsrede um 19 uhr ausstellungsdauer: 2. bis 12. märz 2022 …… viel hat’s heuer eher selten geschneit im waldviertel……. ….. schon eher so……. …..hat jedenfalls für kalte, rot-staubige finger beim arbeiten in der abendsonne gereicht…… …….aber […]

cookie cutters

what a year…. and still not over…. as many of you might know, we had planned to spend 9 months touring the tropical part of australia and see how we go. however, now we are here in good old europe and wait for things to happen! ah well, the good news worth mentioning for 2020 […]


jetzt……wo uns allen schon ein bisserl fad ist im schädel mit dem kugerl-virus und den damit einhergehenden  pressekonferenzen also auch noch einen newsletter verfassen! eine herausforderung……! eigentlich wollten wir ja in australien sein für ein jahr,  ausstellen, schleifen und whale watchen mit den kiddies….. stattdessen lockdown im waldviertel……co co co corona! aber dann… o……o……o……o r […]

european summer heat

hi from sizzling europe! we are all fine, as a matter of fact, i like the temperatures… we’ve been placing a sculpture at mora’s school… thought that might be a good reason to flick a mail… she’s a beauty… …1200 kg from gebharts close to our farm at the czech border… …happened the day before […]

„sculptures in the garden“

i’ve just arrived this weekend… so if you like, we could meet in mudgee where i am participating in  „sculptures in the garden“ i am afraid the kids are not with me this trip… i miss them already… and also they have grown quite a bit! however the three boulders titled „coal“ have travelled from […]

end of summer

well, summer is pretty much over… and it went quick! we’ve been out west visiting our clients/friends at the shores of the zeller see… yes! and dropped another sculpture right on the waters edge… not on the cruise ship… the alert viewer remebers this pretty needle we installed a few years ago… and also, the […]

late summer

…….and woho…..summer’s nearly over before it really started!!….. sign_397 / 2016 /adelong norite / 900kg / seepark st. gilgen ….. all though, looking out of my office window, it seems like it tries hard again ….. „visitor and host“ seepark st. gilgen 2016 ….. well then: bring on those last hot summer days! ….. swimming? […]

seepark st. gilgen

a lot of work, but also a lot of joy! we’ve been working on this exhibition on the shores of lake st. wolfgang (yes, the sound of music one!) since weeks now… granite and basalt……..from austria and australia in exchange „visitor & host“ a very current affair……..visitors and hosts, emigrants and immigrants, voyagers and repatriates…….. […]

hello and farewell

 traveling in a small caravan for three months can be tiring! so we flew back to europe last weekend! in german one could say: „wir haben uns aus dem staub gemacht!“……… to make work what we are doing you need relaxed parents that want their kids to reach new heights….. and even more so: very relaxed […]

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