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reminder collectorsday 2024

the two of us…… ! unglaublich, im frühjahr gingen diese blumen ganz zufällig hier auf! am 8. juni dagegen wird nichts dem zufall überlassen! wir haben ausgiebig unseren tischherd zum 30er unserer nichte getestet und hurra!!!…. irene weinfurter wird wieder

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collectorsday 2024

es hat ein bisserl gedauert…..aber wir sind aus australien zurück! das lachen ist uns nicht vergangen…..ganz im gegenteil! wir laden also zu einer welcome-home-party im rahmen unseres 20sten (!!!) collectorsday ins waldviertel! let’s celebrate art and life! wann: samstag, 8.

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>the five of us<

the end of the sealed road…. does our journey finish here?  no way! this was just the beginning – leaving the beaten track, tackling the more remote areas…. the path became our destination so, rather than simply saying farewell to the

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cottesloe – we are coming!

dear friends! sculpture by the sea cottesloe opens friday 1 march 2024… and we are part of it! like with a rare flower, this only happens once every 20 years! 🙂 we have been to this iconic beach before. a

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schneeweißer Strand, Schneemann aus Sand, Lucky Bay

western australian colours

…..we are travelling western australia since early september… and still going, would you believe it!? it’s all about colours… the windmill, an australian icon! upper gascoyne, w.a. you barely find them at the east coast these days…. …..big distances, a

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bush telegraph

after 2 months on the road we’ve reached western australia…. bye bye territory, see you in a while! the kids love it – and so do we!  our camp locations are a bit adventurous at times….but lets face it, most

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reminder collectorsday 2024

the two of us…… ! unglaublich, im frühjahr gingen diese blumen ganz zufällig hier auf! am 8. juni dagegen wird nichts dem zufall überlassen! wir haben ausgiebig unseren tischherd zum 30er unserer nichte getestet und hurra!!!…. irene weinfurter wird wieder

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collectorsday 2024

es hat ein bisserl gedauert…..aber wir sind aus australien zurück! das lachen ist uns nicht vergangen…..ganz im gegenteil! wir laden also zu einer welcome-home-party im rahmen unseres 20sten (!!!) collectorsday ins waldviertel! let’s celebrate art and life! wann: samstag, 8.

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>the five of us<

the end of the sealed road…. does our journey finish here?  no way! this was just the beginning – leaving the beaten track, tackling the more remote areas…. the path became our destination so, rather than simply saying farewell to the

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cottesloe – we are coming!

dear friends! sculpture by the sea cottesloe opens friday 1 march 2024… and we are part of it! like with a rare flower, this only happens once every 20 years! 🙂 we have been to this iconic beach before. a

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schneeweißer Strand, Schneemann aus Sand, Lucky Bay

western australian colours

…..we are travelling western australia since early september… and still going, would you believe it!? it’s all about colours… the windmill, an australian icon! upper gascoyne, w.a. you barely find them at the east coast these days…. …..big distances, a

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bush telegraph

after 2 months on the road we’ve reached western australia…. bye bye territory, see you in a while! the kids love it – and so do we!  our camp locations are a bit adventurous at times….but lets face it, most

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